We are taking our city back, one gutter, one bin, one pavement, one island, one park at a time.

#rise #savepmb #reclaimpmb #Lovepmb

KPCA’s mandate is to call business to rise and reclaim their street. It is a win for business as it is good for their brand, staff, customers, security, and property value. The issues in PMB’s CBD are overwhelming, but as they say, ‘How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time’. For this reason KPCA has focused its campaign on one road in order to build a ‘streetwise’ model to take to other roads. We encourage other businesses to follow our lead – we will support your efforts.

Looking for Victory on Victoria Road. KPCA implemented the following plan of action for their ‘streetwise’ model:

• Photographic tour of Victoria Road and social media awareness campaign.
• Formation of WhatsApp Group of concerned businesses.
• Meeting with concerned businesses and formulation of survey.
• KPCA hit the beat to survey businesses and log issues in Victoria Road.
• KPCA presented the devastating summary of results to interested stakeholders including business owners, the media, ward councillors and COGTA.
• Businesses started to discuss solutions on the WhatsApp group.
• KPCA made sure that business understood that while it was KPCA’s duty to initiate and help facilitate a campaign or projects to get business areas in PMB clean, neat and green, it was the business owners’ prerogative to own it in order to sustain it!

2023 Victories on Victoria Road

A small group of active citizens and businesses have led the way in KPCA’s Campaign “Looking for Victory on Victoria Road”. We hope our efforts will inspire other businesses to team up to save their street. Imagine if we all did something. The following was achieved in 2023:

• Adoption of street bins and verges for a cleaner street.
• Removal of abortion stickers.
• Purchase and painting of new bins.
• Meetings with COGTA.
• Painting of #savepmb bridge by Siyabonga.
• KPCA arranged the clearing of the Transnet Line with the help of Glen Mc Arthur.
• We started a Victoria Crime Watch Group with security companies and SAPS.
• We painted the ex-substation yellow, a garden is to follow.
• Planting of gardens in tree islands.
• Team members supported KPCA’s Anniversary Ellie Trail.